The fruit is commonly used to make jam and wine. The fruit is known for its cooling properties. The leaves are sudorific and employed in treating snakebite, in Asia.
The fruit is harvested once a year, and we add fresh bignay juice to our Kombucha Health drinks during that time.When Corner referred to this member of the Euphorbiaceae as a "shady, rather gloomy tree", he could not have been viewing it in fruit, a spectacle that has always aroused enthusiasm. The colorful bignay, Antidesma bunius Spreng., is called bignai in the Philippines; buni or berunai in Malaya; wooni or hooni, in Indonesia; ma mao luang in Thailand; kho lien tu in Laos; choi moi in Vietnam; moi-kin and chunka by the aborigines in Queensland. Among English names are Chinese laurel, currant tree, nigger's cord, and salamander tree.he tree may be shrubby, 10 to 26 ft (3-8 m) high, or may reach up to 50 or even 100 ft (15-30 m). It has wide-spreading branches forming a dense crown. The evergreen, alternate leaves are oblong, pointed, 4 to 9 in (10-22.5 cm) long, 2 to 3 in (5-7.5 cm) wide, dark-green, glossy, leathery, with very short petioles.