Health Mid - The Journal of Healthy Lifestyle: the new other benefit of Drinking black tea

the new other benefit of Drinking black tea

other benefit of Drinking black tea, People who enjoy drinking black tea throughout the day may get the added benefit of a slight reduction in their blood pressure, suggests a new Australian study.

Although the study cannot identify specific parts of the tea that might lead to a drop in blood pressure, the researchers said past studies have shown flavonoids, compounds present in plenty of plants such as tea, are nice for heart health.
"The message is not for an individual to go out & drink lots of tea," said Jonathan Hodgson, the study's lead author & a researcher from the University of Western Australia. He said, in lieu, the drop is like a bonus.

To account for potential influences from other foods, researchers had the people in both groups cut back on flavonoid-rich foods such as apples, grapes, dark chocolate and wine four weeks before and all throughout the study.

black tea - A long-term study by the Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and the Environment found a correlation between regular consumption of black tea and reduced risk of stroke. Researchers looked at data from a study examining the health benefits of foods that are high in flavonoids - phytonutrients with antioxidant benefits.

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