SARS-like Novel Coronavirus Not Contagious (2012)
Today, in a follow up to a SARS-like virus recently treated in the UK, the World Health Organization reports that no new cases due to infection with this novel coronavirus have been accounted for.
Quick progress has been made in distinguishing the novel coronavirus and in the development of specific and detailed diagnostic evaluations. WHO is teaming up with partner laboratories to make these accessible as soon as possible. They expect the initial batch of reagents, as well as information and testing algorithms, will be tested shortly.
National Health Authorities can contact the laboratories that are performing the tests for the novel coronavirus infection of patients under examination.
No trade or travel restrictions have been made by the WHO for Qatar and Saudi Arabia because of the novel coronavirus infections.
The WHO's recommendations to its 194 member states says health workers should be alert to anyone with acute respiratory syndrome and needing hospitalization who had been in the Middle East where the virus was found or in contact with a suspected or confirmed case within the last 10 days.
Written by Kelly Fitzgerald
Copyright: Healthmid.blogspot.com