Health Mid - The Journal of Healthy Lifestyle: The Best Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and better living

The Best Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and better living

There are many infomercials on TV that say you do not need to do much to stay healthy all you need do is to drink or use their products. Do not believe them, because most of them are simply false.

Here are some of the most effective way of staying healthy:

  • Drink Water. As we all know, the majority of our body is composed of water. We need to drink at least 8 glasses of water to cleanse up and revitalize the body cells after a very tiring work.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables. These foods contain low calories and fats and even contain high concentration of vitamins. Eating these can help the body protect itself from the surrounding viruses and bacteria.
  • Exercise Daily. It is healthy to exercise 60 minutes daily to keep the body fit. It will burn the fats and calories you have taken from eating your meal.
  • Take Natural Supplements. There are times that you are not taking enough nutrients so it is advisable to take multivitamins.
  • Always stay positive. When you think positive, you will be able to stay away from stress because you will think that there will always be a solution to your problems.
  • Take a sleep for 8 hours. After a long day of work, the body should be rested to revitalize all the worn out cells of the body.
  • Never forget to smile always.
  • Always socialize with other people. It is always nice for a person to express his feelings and emotions to his or her friends so that he will not have a hard time keeping it to himself or herself.
  • Never be ashamed to express your emotions. Just keeping your problem to yourself will never help you. Stress and disappointments will just build up inside of you.
  • Know your purpose in life. Although some people will find this one disturbing, it is true that finding your purpose in life will really help a person live a fruitful life.
  • Breath Normally. This one is very obvious but there are some instances in which people have the habit of having bad sleeping position. Never cover your head while sleeping because it will trigger carbon dioxide build up that will make your brain function abnormally.
  • Eliminating of Body Waste. It is good that you should eliminate your body waste at least once a day to ensure that your digestive system is functioning well.
  •  Moving and Maintaining Desirable Position. This is related to nursing care but it is really true. Sitting or standing up in a correct position will produce comfort thus releasing stress from the body.
  • Maintaining Normal temperature by adjusting the clothes. It is just so obvious that you should always wear correct clothes in anywhere you go. You cannot just wear a jacket if it’s hot because it will alter your body temperature.
  • Wash your hands before eating. There are times that you unconsciously hold something dirty so it is recommended to wash the hands every time you eat.
  • Carry hand sanitizer. This is all about hygiene. Not all the time that there is water or soap, so always carry something that will sanitize your hand before and after doing something.
  • Worshiping according to one’s faith. It is always good that you are holding to someone with great power. It will build up confidence in you because you know that there is always a god that will protect you.
  • Always have a monthly check-up. Although I am not just sure about the data, but cancer can just strike anytime just like any other illnesses. It is just proper to have a check-up to prevent or to detect early if ever you have an illness.
  • Find a partner. It is good that you have someone whom you can lean on in times of trouble. It can help you build up confidence because you know that someone will love you in times of your failures in life.
  • Always be satisfied of what you have.
  • Take a bath everyday. You are always exposed to dirt. It is possible that you are carrying bacteria, so better disinfect yourself through taking a nice bath.
  • Never stick to your dark past. There are many people who get sick because they cannot just move on. Just remember that your mistakes in the past are the things that make you a better person.
  • Never smoke and drink. The lifespan of those who drink of smoke are comparatively shorter compared to those who don’t. It is because once you are addicted to them, there is a great chance of getting cancer or any illnesses related.
  • Drink Tea. The anti-oxidizing agent of the tea will help you stay younger.
  • Just eat recommended serving size. Do not go beyond what is written on the label. There are many people who get obese because they eat too much. To stay healthy always follow instructions.
  • Eat from a smaller plate. It will help you reduce your food consumption since you will think that you have eaten a lot already.
  • Get a soup first. Eating a healthy starter will reduce your food intake also.
  • Take a nap in the afternoon. It will help you relax your body after doing something really stressful.
  • Get vaccinated. The best way to escape from diseases is to be immune to them.
  • Stay out from still water. Diseases and viruses are found where there is still water because there are many agents who stay there such as mosquitoes and other insects.
  •  Never forget to brush your teeth. Not brushing your teeth for the whole day will give you heart diseases. Do you know that many people get heart attacks because of poor dental hygiene?
  • Pack your lunch instead of eating in a fast food restaurant. We all know that foods from the fast food chain are not healthy because of the big amount of calories they contain. We are not even sure if they put something such as preservatives that can harm those who eat the food.
  •  Listen to classical music. It is said that listening to classical music can help your body produce more brain tissue that can aid you to think properly. It can also release the tension of your body while listening.

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