Health Mid - The Journal of Healthy Lifestyle: Lady Gaga's lifestyle Christmas Traditions

Lady Gaga's lifestyle Christmas Traditions

Lady Gaga sitting around a Christmas tree with the family opening presents. But Mother Monster is quite old-fashioned when it comes to holiday traditions.

So what do you get pop star that has everything? Nothing, apparently. "I already got it," Gaga said. "I’m going to be with my family. I had a wonderfully successful year with Born This Way. We sold 7 million albums so far worldwide; it’s only been out for five months. And I got my first ever custom Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld."

And while most of us gave up the dream of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy years ago, our favorite quirky musical genius still keeps the faith. Gaga said, "I still believe in Santa. He’s for sure around. He and the Easter Bunny. I’ve hung out with them and Jesus Christ a few times."

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