Health Mid - The Journal of Healthy Lifestyle: Simple Ways to Stay Healthy

Simple Ways to Stay Healthy

  • Always fill your glass and water bottle before starting: Even better, keep a container that holds at least a half gallon of water which you can refill conveniently.
  • Keep healthy snacks available: Keep snacks like nuts and seeds available. But don’t place the whole bag next to you to avoid mindless overeating. Raw veggies are also a great snack and provide fiber too. So important for digestion for people that sit for long periods of time.
  • Keep your protein intake up and it will help you stay energized and alert, and by avoiding sugar you’ll save yourself from a work-halting sugar crash
  • The Healthy Workspace

Like many people who spend much of their day in front of a computer, artists face the same sedentary challenges. In the British Journal of Sports Medicine studies have suggested that prolonged bouts of sitting time and lack of whole-body muscular movement are strongly associated with obesity, abnormal glucose metabolism, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and cancer, as well as total mortality independent of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity.

That’s bad news for those of us that sit, including artists. In the past, the thinking was if you are physically active other times of the day you make up for the sitting time, but now experts are saying that’s not the case.

  • Use a resistance ball - One of the best ways to get in movement throughout your day while sitting is sitting on a resistance ball. Constantly readjusting to keep yourself balanced on the ball, the muscles of the core, pelvis, hips, and legs are being engaged. Many people report they have reduced back pain too.
  • Set a timer - Time flies when you’re focused, and before you know it you’ve been sitting for 3 hours. Set a timer to make sure you get up and move around every 20 minutes or so. Get up, move around, and stand and do a reach-for-the-sky stretch. Make a point of scheduled breaks. They don’t have to be long.

Muscles are continually at work to keep you upright, but standing motionless causes a lack of blood flow to the muscles being used. Lack of blood flow causes fatigue in the working muscles. It also can cause problems with vein inflammation. The result over time can be varicose veins. Joints in the feet, knees, hips, and spine become locked in a prolonged standing position and this can contribute to damage of tendons and ligaments.

  • Change your workstation: Having options in your work space allows for changes in body position which will help with blood flow and give your joints a break. Use a small foot rest to use to shift your weight. If working on a particular part of your art that might cause you to have your arm in one position for a long period.
  • Keep a stool nearby: Have a stool that will help you stay in your favored working position but also allow you rest. Just a bit of support can help take a tremendous amount of stress off muscles and joints. Remember that it’s important to position yourself close to the working area and face your work as straight-on as possible to avoid bending and stooping.

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